Does only support 8 zones?

I have installed a PowerSeries Neo with zones 1 through 8 reserved for hardwired sensors. I have configured wireless sensors to use zones 10 and up. When I go to my home page the Sensors section only scrolls to zone 8, and if I go to the sensors page, I see the zones 10 and above, but in the Activity Monitoring? column, instead of a check box (that I can toggle), zones 10 and above all say “N/A”.
Please, please don’t tell me that can only handle 8 zones …

From this March 2017 thread, it looks like I just need to ask you to set the maximum number of zones? I currently only have up to zone 13 installed, but will be adding more zones over the coming weeks. The panel supports 64 zones, so I gather I should ask you to set my maximum number of zones to 64, then I won’t have to bother you with this any more :slight_smile:
Do I need to use your secure messaging page for this request?

The thread you referenced and Max zones is a quirk of the Interlogix NX panel. Zones will be automatically pulled from your panel.

The issue here is just confusion on Activity monitoring. All of the wireless sensors I see listed are life safety devices, smokes/carbon. These are not eligible for activity monitoring because they do not produce any activity. Life safety devices, regardless of panel arming state, always trip directly into an alarm.

For more information on Activity Monitoring vs Security Monitoring please see this page.

For notification purposes, this just means you do not need sensor activity notifications for Life Safety devices, just the Alarm notification. (other malfunctions etc. are under System Actions.)

Great! got it, thanks Jason.
When I scroll in the Sensors section of the home page, I can only scroll down to Zone 8, which is ok because I can just click the > and get to the Sensors page and see all zones/devices, though it had contributed to my concerns about Zones above 8 not being fully supported.

If I understand correctly, if one of those smokes wigs out and I determine that they are nuisance alarms (maybe dust or spiders or malfunction), I can call the monitoring center and request that the troublesome zone be put into test mode until I can get a replacement smoke configured and installed. Is this correct?

if one of those smokes wigs out and I determine that they are nuisance alarms (maybe dust or spiders or malfunction), I can call the monitoring center and request that the troublesome zone be put into test mode until I can get a replacement smoke configured and installed. Is this correct?

Yep, you can place individual zones on test mode with the central station if needed.