Disarming solution?

Switched from schlage zwave to wifi locks i was able to have auto disarm from lock by having a code that did not disarm and then the duress code could be entered on the alarm

Having duress code is a must have

Wifi locks don’t have this. It’s all or nothing.

The other day I unlock door and the panel kept saying I entered the wrong code. Must have re entered 5 times. Still tripped the alarm

Looking for a solution. Is there a wireless keypad only? Not a secondary panel as it would be on the outside of my garage door (there is a secondary panel on the inside already).

Rather not have a screen that looks like an alarm panel in garage. Maybe a non descript keypad?


Bluetooth disarming seems out of the question as there is no way to enter duress code.

I believe that this keypad is compatible with IQ panel:

It has a flip-up cover to hide the keypad. It’s not outdoor rated, though, so you might want to find some way to shield it from the elements, like installing it in a box or recess with a cover. There may be some way to set up an automation that unlocks the door when the system is disarmed at the keypad – although I don’t know if you can specify it to a particular keypad or not.

Have you considered a remote?

There are two four button remotes, the PG9929 and PG9939, of which the “*” button is a panic button by default on both.

You can configure the panic to be a silent panic, I think.

Surety doesn’t sell them. But they are all available at alarmgrid.com, which is one of the retailers I personally recommend when surety doesn’t sell something. Surety almost always beats them on price for items that they do decide to stock here, though.

I’m curious as to why you need disarming at the door at all, though. If you have a second panel directly inside the entry, can’t you just enter either the disarm or duress code during the entry delay? Is your goal to not have an entry delay or something?

I dont want to carry another “thin g” in my pocket so the keyfob thing isn’t and attractive options…

Its happened a few times where I open the door and have 30 seconds to enter the code and for wahtever reason alarm goes off. Sometimes its a delay in signal, the last time, Ican’t figure out what happened. Kept entering the code and it would not take it.

Goal is to disarm without taking phone out of pocket, bringing up app and disarming. BEFORE entering the house.

Perhaps you should ask Surety to put in a feature request with alarm.com. They can already identify which user unlocks the door – it doesn’t seem like it would be too hard to also sync the code for the “duress” user and trigger a panic when that code is used to unlock.

Great idea and would love it.

The problem is you can do a workaround with a zwave lock. I have had nothing but problems for years and years with zwave locks. So I went to wifi versions.

I don’t think ADC wants to work on greater interface with Schlage, or any other the other 3rd party vendors.

If I am wrong, I would love Surey to pass on this suggestion or to recomend a work around for these new locks.

I don’t think ADC wants to work on greater interface with Schlage, or any other the other 3rd party vendors.

They have added things in the past that I didn’t expect so it is always worth asking. We’ll send this as a feature request. To be honest though, it will probably be a hard sell on opening panel alarm activation or duress response generation from a wifi 3rd party device.

The best workaround to what you are describing is likely to be a keyfob.

There are no non-descript keypads with duress, at least in the way I think you mean. The PowerG keypad can operate on battery only, but it is obviously an alarm keypad.

Bluetooth disarming is another option on Qolsys.

In app panel panic is available for panic response from your phone.

If the requirements specifically hinge on being able to enter a duress code on a keypad, Z-wave locks would need to be used at this time.

I should call out, there is a non-descript pinpad with physical buttons, the Resolution Products RE152 (RE252 if 345Mhz) but it is essentially a keyfob with one code.

It would not support duress code activation, but would be the closest thing to a non-descript keypad. It has a panic function, but it is labeled on the pinpad, and I am guessing your duress requirement is needed to be non-obvious that a panic was triggered.

Actually, one more thing is with the IQ Panel 4 there is also the PowerG lock. I’m not finding any documentation that it currently works with lock triggered duress, I’ll have to double check that, but it is more likely to see that added I think if it is not currently available.

thanks, please ask ADC if they can add duress code functionality from wifi locks.

Can you please tell me the model number of this

“There are no non-descript keypads with duress, at least in the way I think you mean. The PowerG keypad can operate on battery only, but it is obviously an alarm keypad.”

The PowerG Keypad that operates on 4 AA batteries is the WS9LCDWF9