Disable Qolsys Disarm Beeps?

Upon disarming my IQ2+ panel during armed stay mode, there are audible beeps during the code entry countdown. I understand why this is desirable during entry delay and disarming from away mode, but I don’t understand the rationale for it when disarming from stay mode, and I haven’t found any way to disable it. Is it possible? I’ve tried disabling and/or reducing the volume of pretty much all sound options I can see.

Is the alarm counting down for a code after it has been tripped in stay mode? Is that what your referring to?

Or has it not been tripped when you’re trying to disarm it?

I am testing right now, but no I don’t believe you can turn off the beeps when disarming from Arm Stay. You can control the volume from the settings tray via the home screen but to completely completely silence the beeps may not be possible. Will follow up upon confirmation.

No, I’m referring to initiating a disarm command at the panel while it is armed in stay mode. Upon pressing disarm, it begins a countdown (which appears to be equal to the entry delay) for user code entry during which there are audible beeps until code entry has been completed and the system is disarmed.

Thanks. Perhaps this could be suggested to the Qolsys development team. I can’t think of any sensible reason for it to beep when disarming from stay mode, which could potentially disturb others within the home depending upon the time of day.

I am happy to pass along your suggestion. That is often how changes such as this occur and we are always happy to pass along suggestions.