Dimmer support enhancement

The current way that ADC incorporates “dimmers” and “switches” is a bit of a nightmare. It seems that if you include a dimmer into a scene/event/rule that includes a switch it restores the dimmer to whatever the previous “state” was (dim level). Why can they not allow you to specify the desired dim % on a per device basis?

In general, there is no good way to mix dimmers and switches together at all…instead you basically have to create 2 full sets of everything (Rules, Schedules, Scenes)…so (number of desired states)^3.

Can ADC please work on improving this. Step one, allow “Scenes” to feature setting light on/off and dimmer % on a per device basis within the same scene. Step two, have Rules and Schedules build using scenes…rather than having me re-invent every scene within an event triggered rule or a schedule, let me automation my scenes!

You can set a dim level in any rule where you are controlling dimmable lights.

Instead of selecting “Turn on” in the drop down list for the action, select “Dim” which then lets you set the level you want.

Step one, allow “Scenes” to feature setting light on/off and dimmer % on a per device basis within the same scene.

Unless I am missing something scenes already do this. They have a slider next to any dimmable light that allows you to set the specified level. Scenes set light actions individually.

EDIT: Overall I see what you mean, you are saying you want to create a rule with both dimmable and non-dimmable lights and have actions for each light independently. Yes, setting and using scenes as the action should be able to accomplish this and would be a great suggestion for ADC, we’ll push it on to them. (It may already be something being worked on)

Instead of selecting “Turn on” in the drop down list for the action, select “Dim” which then lets you set the level you want.

I swear that when I tried this before that it wouldn’t let me select switches. I assume that any switch that is selected gets set to “on” sine they don’t support dimming.

You cannot set light “dim %” individually within Event Triggered or Scheduled rules, it is "Dim __% selected devices for ____"

The disconnect and gap in capabilities between “Scenes” and event triggered/scheduled rules is frustrating…especially since even my brand new fancy Qolsys panel cannot trigger scenes from ADC…why couldn’t they possibly incorporate some of the ADC Android app features into it. It is frustrating that the only way to use “scenes” is to do it from my phone…and as I mentioned, using scheduled/event triggered things isn’t scalable as you have to create so many different rules to do the same thing.

If you wanted 3 dimmers set to 50% and one set to 60% that is 2 different rules…and if you want them to both be “scheduled” and to occur based on “events”, then that is now 4 rules.

The disconnect and gap in capabilities between “Scenes” and event triggered/scheduled rules is frustrating…especially since even my brand new fancy Qolsys panel cannot trigger scenes from ADC…why couldn’t they possibly incorporate some of the ADC Android app features into it. It is frustrating that the only way to use “scenes” is to do it from my phone…and as I mentioned, using scheduled/event triggered things isn’t scalable as you have to create so many different rules to do the same thing.

I’m with you on this. Qolsys has had some discussion about scene inclusion, but it would be a large update and take time.

I would like to see Alarm.com implement scenes as actions for rules.

We’ll keep pressing the case, (I do think it is inevitable)

There is sort of a way around this if you use Amazon Alexa.

If you use the Alarm.com Smart Home Skill you can use Routines in Alexa to have various lighting device actions (set to specific levels) for various other triggers like Voice control and Schedules.