Difference between QL9201 and QS9201

Well, my panel seems to have died. I’m getting the LCD screen powered up but blank with a green flashing LED on my IQPanel 2.

I want to buy a replacement but my part number is QL9201-1208-840 and all of the panels I find are QS9201-1208-840. Are these the same things? What are the differences? Are they compatible with my current equipment?

Thank you.

Did you previously use Brinks? The only reference I see anywhere to QL9201-1208-840 is regarding a Brinks branded version of the IQ Panel 2.

It would be functionally the same as the QS9201-1208-840

Yes, I am on Brinks. I was thinking it might have been a brand-specific part number, thank you for confirming.