Delayed Mobile Command/Ghost Mobile Command

Here’s the scenario:

my husband left for work at 4:27pm (exited garage door) … i later exit front door at 5:23, manually lock on keypad from outside upon leaving, return and manually unlock with keypad at 6:13pm … i lock the door behind me (manually, like turn the knob to lock) and no further activity at front door after that point.

at 8:15pm panel says outloud “front door locked” but the front door was already locked, no motion was actually completed on the lock (like where you can hear it turn) and my app says mobile command sent by my husband - yet he was at work on a call, so clearly not able to send a mobile command. no one else other than us has access to do so and I was home, inside, with the door already locked …

how could this of happened?

The first thing I would do here is look at account history, but I don’t see a Surety subscription related to your username.

Are you a Surety user? If so, send us a private message with the service address.

If not, I would recommend contacting your service provider for assistance.

Your dealer will have access to event history which shows times when any commands were sent as well as when they were acknowledged by the system. While rare, it’s entirely possible for an inbound command to be delayed by a while, depending on cellular network connection issues.

They would be able to confirm the timestamp of any command, when it was actually sent.