Custom Name Not Being Used During Notifications

Years with ADC and I’ve never seen the issue that just started this morning…One of the remotes is now reporting during notifications as “sensor 52” instead of the custom name. I checked settings and the friendly name is still listed for sensor 52 but all the notifications are ignoring this. Any ideas?

Looks like it occurred for another keyfob as well in history. I see the names are still in settings, but if you go to Settings - Devices and edit the names of those in and save, does that resolve the issue and start using the updated custom name?

Mine also recently started to do the same thing. Names are correct in the settings and after saving it still doesn’t work.

Mine also recently started to do the same thing. Names are correct in the settings and after saving it still doesn’t work.

Thank you for confirming the same experience, we’ll report to ADC and check if any update on this is available. Will post response here.

We have heard back from and they were made aware of this issue today. This is a back end issue and while a fix is being worked on, there is no ETA. We will post back once a fix has been made available.

We’ve been notified that this should now be resolved. Let us know if you are still encountering this issue.