Hi All,
I just signed up and after flashing 2gig GC2 panel I got mostly setup successfully.
My CT30 thermostat is not showing up in ADC though. I just saw the forum post about the CT30 not being supported any longer so I guess I need to replace the thermostat.
To keep the upgrade simple I would like to just replace it with a CT32. I found this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Radio-Thermostat-CT32-7-Day-Programmable-Z-Wave-Thermostat-USED/202414319485?epid=826900416&hash=item2f20d5677d:g:RX4AAOSwVVpbZNaH&autorefresh=true
I’m not sure if it will work though. On the ADC site it specifies specific firmware versions: https://www.alarm.com/partners/ecosystem.aspx
Also, this CT32 comes with a zigbee radio. Will the CT30 USNAP Z-wave radio I already have work with a CT32?