CT100 question

Also, I have installed a new 2GIG thermostat, but the schedule I established on Alarm.com is not being sent to Tstat. Is it possible to push this out to my thermostat?

How many scheduled changes have not occurred? Have any scheduled changes occurred yet?

No scheduled changes have occurred.

Also thermostat reads 76 degrees, Alarm.com shows current temperature as 80 degrees, set point 78 degeres.

Interesting that it is not reporting the proper status at all.

I have to ask the standard questions:

Did you learn in the thermostat within 6 feet of the 2GIG panel?
Is the thermostat wired to the AC power off the HVAC? I see it is currently listed as running off of battery power which will reduce its radio power and Zwave functionality.
Have you run a network rediscovery after installing the thermostat?