Chamberlain MyQ (MYQ-G0201)

Hi, I wanted to see if you could help me troubleshoot an issue I’m having with my MyQ controller. I have it managing/monitoring two garage doors. One works as expected. However, one is reporting a malfunction and has been temporarily disabled. I’ve swapped the battery in the sensor and have power cycled the hub. What other steps would you recommend I carryout to resolve this issue?

If this is the Wifi controller and tilt sensors and a single door is showing malfunction, not the gateway or multiple doors, 9 out of 10 times the issue is a low battery, make sure that the replacement battery is oriented correctly inside, following polarity.

Have you manually opened the door since replacing the battery?

How long has the tilt sensor been installed? When did you first notice the issue?

Thanks! I’ve double-checked the battery and it appears to be installed correctly.

This tilt sensor was purchased 3/29/2015 and installed shortly thereafter. So, just under 3 years.

I didn’t manually opened the door, after installing the battery. But, just did and received an email that it’s back online. It’s now responding to commands from the app! Thanks so much!

I didn’t manually opened the door, after installing the battery. But, just did and received an email that it’s back online. It’s now responding to commands from the app! Thanks so much!

Happy to help! Yes, when replacing the battery be sure to manually operate the door after. This will send a status update signal from the sensor and let ADC know it is powered again.