Cell module number / options

Ok, I could use some help here.

I am installing a new system in a rural area with practically zero cell coverage. Despite what all the coverage maps claim the actual signal at my house is in the range of -120db, aka no bars, aka signal strength 0 of 31 on the GC2 panel.

I was getting on here to ask how to find out my AT&T wireless module phone number so I can add it to the (new model) 3G microcell I have had to install. I still need to know that, but since reading these forums it appears likely I won’t be able to use it anyway so I’m also looking for other ideas.

Phone and internet service is apparently via DSL. Anybody know if I could wire up a POTS module if I install an RJ31X jack?

Other ideas? I got the microcell because it appears just adding a wireless booster and external antenna would not really help. I could try a high-gain antenna for the cell module?

So… how do I find out the cell module number? I will try the microcell and report back.

You don’t say the conditions for your -120dB signal? My suggestion probably won’t help much but just to cover the bases, if not already done then I suggest checking for cell signal reception outside the house and ideally as high up as is practical. I’d use your cell phone and download free apps that will give you detailed data on the signal, if it detects any, so you know what you’re working with. Also probably worth taking into account whether trees or other obstructions may be contributing to poor signal and whether there are any options to mitigate this.

If you get a signal, and depending on its strength, you may have options. If you are not getting a signal then boosters from companies like Weboost may not help you. A high gain antenna might help either used in conjunction with a booster or feed it directly to the GC2 panel but its much more of a gamble in the absence of a signal detectable with a cell phone.

You might scroll through reviews on Amazon of Weboost rural deployments to see what has worked and not worked before spending any money. This site is a good example of a rural deployment for an observatory. In his case he was trying to use with Sprint LTE channels that weren’t a good fit but the commentary may be useful. Unfortuantely his link to the Amazon discussion no longer works and I couldn’t find it on a quick search.

I am installing a new system in a rural area with practically zero cell coverage. Despite what all the coverage maps claim the actual signal at my house is in the range of -120db, aka no bars, aka signal strength 0 of 31 on the GC2 panel.

Some variations do occur on the coverage map due to local topography and cell network. If you are showing 0/31 on the panel, are there any other problematic factors? Do you have a metal roof? Where is the panel located? Are you using the correct antenna included with the installed cell module?

As the prior post suggests, checking outside and high up will provide a good indication of the available signal. Keep in mind that the machine to machine networks do not always correlate with phone coverage though, so this can only help so much.

Phone and internet service is apparently via DSL. Anybody know if I could wire up a POTS module if I install an RJ31X jack?

No, you cannot connect to ADC via POTS module. The cell connection would be required. You could always use broadband concurrent backup by way of the Go!Bridge for signaling, but accounts cannot be set up without a cell module and initial communication occurs across cell only.

Other ideas? I got the microcell because it appears just adding a wireless booster and external antenna would not really help. I could try a high-gain antenna for the cell module?

So… how do I find out the cell module number? I will try the microcell and report back.

suretyDIY could provide the phone number if you have an active Alarm.com account through us with that module. You would want to request it using our secure message tool here.

Note we can only view the phone number if the module is currently in use on your account.

Also, keep in mind that while the cell extender option does work on verizon, we have never been able to confirm this working on an AT&T Microcell. If I recall AT&T microcell setup filters out all cell devices that are not phones on their network plans. The module number shows as an invalid device.

We cannot say whether this might have changed though, and it would be easy to try, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea.

We have in some extreme cases used a powered external antenna in the past, and this will typically improve the existing signal by a few points. To visualize, that would typically be about half a bar.

Thanks, guys. This is more or less what I expected. I’m seeing anything from -110 to -120 db on the phone, but that’s 1) with an old phone, and 2) from outside but at ground level. I found out exactly which tower and its location so I can try pointing an antenna / amplifier at that, and from higher up. No metal roof but trees might be in the way. Tower is about 2 miles away.

I do have service set up through surety and alarm.com (this is my second system for a new house). I will take the panel somewhere I can get signal and get it activated then request the number although at this point I’m doubtful the microcell will work. I was hoping to use that instead of a booster but now I may end up with both.

Movers are coming Wednesday so it may be this weekend before I can try further. I’ll report back as I learn more. Thanks!

Well, no luck with the microcell, I can confirm even the latest model won’t accept the phone number for this device.

Next question: what type of antenna jack is used on the GC3GAA 2GiG AT&T cell module? Or better yet, what’s on the end of the ANT3X? My guess is the antenna has an MMCX plug but I really can’t tell from the pictures. All the descriptions call it a “locking connector” but that’s not helping. I want to try to find an adapter to connect up a bigger 3G antenna which but that has an SMA connector.

Thanks in advance for any help.

That should be an MMCX connector.