Cell communication failure since yesterday morning

My panel shows a cell communication failure since 4:59am yesterday. I figured I’d wait a day or so to see if it resolved itself on the network end, but it hasn’t. I just ran a radio test, and it failed. What are the next steps to troubleshoot?

System: GC3, firmware 3.2.5, 4G LTE Verizon cell module.

The first step I would try is to power down the system fully, unplug the transformer from the wall, then open the panel and unplug the battery, leave it powered down for at least a full 2 minutes.

After 2 minutes, plug in the battery, close up the panel, then plug in the wall transformer to boot it up.

Wait a couple minutes then run another cell test. Any luck?

I went through the power cycle process, and now the cell radio test passes successfully. I also see that the system time updated to the correct value. My alarm.com account still shows an error saying “Radio Not Responding”… does it just take time for that to clear out?

Should have just waited longer. Alarm.com account is now showing System OK.

Glad to hear it is back up and running for you!