One of our window sensors is malfunctioning, and I need to replace it. I can’t access the “System Configuration” option in the “Installer Toolbox” of my 2Gig GoControl panel. I can get into the “Installer Toolbox”, but when I choose “System configuration” it tells me the feature is not enabled and I should contact tech support. The code I’m using to get into toolbox is 2203 (which is the Vivint default installer code). The Surety default installer code of 1561 doesn’t work on my unit.
The panel was installed by the previous owners by & originally monitored by Vivint before we move in and switched to Surety. I was told that when I moved to Surety, it would be unlocked so I could make changes. How do I get the System Config screens enabled (along with anything else that might have been locked by Vivint)?
Looks like this question is related to a support ticket, and it looks like a response was posted recently. Can you check and make sure you received the notification email regarding this?
According to the ticket and history, commands have been sent to update those settings for you to make sure programming is opened up, so you should be good to go with the default 2GIG installer code of 1561 and have access to all panel settings at this time.
Are you still having trouble accessing system config at this time?
Looks like they replied to the ticket between when I checked last & made the posting above. That should likely fix the issue. I’ll followup with the status after checking later today when I have a chance to try again.
FYI - @Jason, the actions they took were successful. I can now get into system config.
Here’s the reply I received from my ADC support ticket to Surety (posting for anyone else who might be in the same boat in the future…)
Thank you for reaching out! I am happy to help! It looks like the settings controlling access to system configuration were not successfully changed when you set up service, however I have sent commands to your panel to make those changes now. Please allow 5-10 minutes for these to take effect, then you should be able to access programming via the default installer code: 1561
Glad to hear this was resolved for you! Thank you for following up.