Cannot removed failed ZWave device

I tried to add a light switch this weekend and it failed to add correctly for some reason, but it does show up in my list of devices. However, I cannot remove it or control it at all.

So I replaced the physical switch with a different one I had, which added and works just fine.

Now I need to remove the bad switch from my system. I tried “remove failed device” but that doesn’t do it. Clear device doesn’t work either. Is this something you can remove for me? It’s Light56.

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I’ve sent commands to do this, but it looks like they are not succeeding. The device status appears to be causing an issue with deletion. Remote delete options will only work if the panel cannot in any way communicate with the device, and sometimes the commands can still have trouble.

Can you try rebooting the panel (Settings > Advanced Settings > Reboot Panel), then run a network rediscovery of the whole Z-wave network? After, try the remove failed device option again.

Following your steps allowed me to delete the failed switch. Thank you!