All Z-wave functionality suddenly died on IQ Panel 2+ w/30+ nodes

Alright, there is clearly some problematic data in your account. We will need to escalate this higher at ADC. I will push this and see if we can get that cleared ASAP today.

Are you able to save a new notification for anything, like a sensor open one, and do the notifications work?

Thanks, Jason. I haven’t noticed any other issues with notifications or automation rules. I think the problem is limited to just this one (as far as I know).

I just created a new notification rule and had no problems configuring and saving it. I’m not at home to fully exercise it, however. As I write this, I do recall getting some “sensor left open” / “restored” notifications yesterday from my garage door, so I can at least attest to that having been very recently exercised successfully.

For the sump pump notification, curiously the Sump Pump meter is actually not reporting certain parameters properly to the back end. I’m not able to see any link quality or product model response from the device.

There are a couple things I want to try, I am going to send a few commands to the system for both reported issues, but the system will need to be disarmed for those commands to be successful. Is there a good time we would be able to send those?

Please follow up in private message and let me know!