Alexa Smart Home On Echo Show 15

Hello, I have a problem with the Echo show being able to show any Z-Wave devices on the Smart Home Screen for control. I have both skills installed. With that being said I am able to speak to Alexa and lock/unlock, turn lights on/off, and adjust thermostats just fine. So, the devices are being read into the Amazon account with discover devices. But, they are not being showed on the echo. I believe the device type being scanned in is the problem. All the z-wave devices from the settings within the Amazon Alexa App are showing the type as other. On my sons amazon account with just z-wave devices (some the same as I have) no account. The devices are showing in the type field as a light, switch, etc. On my panel the z-wave lights are showing as light, locks as lock, etc. I believe there is an issue with’s Alexa skill importing the proper type.

Can you verify this? I have been working with this for 3-4 days. I have removed, deleted, reinstalled the skill and devices. Searched all over the web, etc. I am afraid there is nothing else to be done other that an update to the Alexa skill. I have not deleted the devices from the panel for I do not believe this is the issue. The types are displaying correctly there and I do not wish to remove all and reinstall. That would take a good 1/2 day to go through all.

I would also be curious if anyone else is seeing the same.

Thanks for any help you can offer.
Take care,

Device control on the Echo screen is not supported. integration is for voice control only.

That would explain it.