Alarm Triggered but no Response

I am concerned that you are not receiving signals. I have set off a couple of alarms and no one has called me or spoken with me through the speaker.

Please help

Could you confirm when the alarms were set off? Check the panel history by accessing Security - Menu - Toolbox - Master Code - System History.

At what times did you trigger alarms?

The issue in this case is that the Alarms are not present in the history at all if they occurred yesterday, so the panel did not forward them, or cell communication was down.

Can you try running a cell phone test at your panel? I’d like to see if that succeeds and registers in history.

I am also concerned that you are not receiving signals. This is the second time that this has happened. One time when my slider door was accidentally opened in the middle of the night a couple of weeks ago. No call back, no one on the two way. Last night about 7:30 PM I set the alarm but left the exit door (Kitchen) open. So it immediately triggered. Alarm went for about 10-15 seconds. No call, no two way, no notifications.

I did a cell phone test and its fine. Did a Go Bridge check and its fine.

What is more disturbing is I called FIVE TIMES (!) to dispatch to the same number I always call 855-348-0367 and could not get a hold of anyone. 5 TIMES!!! It would ring and ring then go dead or a busy signal. Called dispatch 30 minutes later and they finally answered (After being put on auto hold). I am concerned with this change in dispatch service you guys just implemented.

Happy to address concerns. The fact that the alarm did not reach means that it is unrelated to the Central Station in any way.

I am looking at the programming for the Kitchen door you referenced and Dialer Delay looks like it is enabled on that zone. Based on programming, that means that zone would need to trigger an alarm for 30 seconds before it would be forwarded to the CS.

If this is unintentional, you’ll want to access programming for that zone (looks like zone 19) and set Dialer Delay to “Disabled”

The last time I see an event for a sliding door you referenced was 10/3/2017, again looks to be referencing a zone with Dialer Delay enabled. This event shows a pending alarm, which means that the system was disarmed prior to the delay period expiring.

For clarity, Dialer Delay always delays the alarm signal from being forwarded to the central station. If you anticipate all zones to immediately forward alarm signals when the siren activates, all zones should have dialer delay disabled.

It would ring and ring then go dead or a busy signal. Called dispatch 30 minutes later and they finally answered

We’ll check on this and make sure there are no issues with the toll free line. You can also reach operators at the general 801-781-6101 number which shows on caller ID.

I manually went to each sensor and checked to make sure there are no dialer delays entered.

Is there a reprot you can run to make sure all sensors have dialer delay set to Disabled and that all sensors are monitored (low battery, malfunction, etc to double check?

Individual sensors can be checked in the back-end for programming one at a time, but an overall report to list zones based on those specific programming features, no. I can discuss with IT and ADC the possibility of a future report for users as a feature request though!

As long as your alarm panel programming shows Dialer Delay is Disabled" for each zone, that will function the way you intend. “Reports” and “Supervision” should be enabled for all sensors so that alarms and sensor status is monitored. The exception is if you have a panic button which leaves the premises, in which case disable supervision for that zone.

It would be good to test that Kitchen Door again to verify. However, we have requested the latest panel programming again and can confirm that it no longer shows that Dialer Delay enabled for the Kitchen door zone.