Schedule Error with Sunrise

I’m trying to add a rule to turn on my Front porch light controlled by zwave with the following details: - Every Day, turn on at 11:30pm - Every Day, turn off at sunrise That simple. However, keeps wanting to make the schedule 2 days after the next day. None of my other rules do this. Not sure why is calculating this in the scheduler.

This is an interesting issue that I am able to replicate through testing.

This has been reported to and is a known issue that is being worked on by ADC techs. It appears that the issue is simply a user interface issue and should not affect actual functionality.

Are you able to confirm that the rule triggers when it should? (Off at sunrise as opposed to two days after?)

This was originally logged by me, and transcribed by @Dexter from my ticket. I noticed my light was on yesterday, so went to check out my rules, but I disabled it last night. I’ll enable tonight and make a note to check it in the morning.

Was this issue with zwave sunrise/sunset light scheduling ever resolved? It is still not working for me whereas set times schedule works. I have 2GIG GC2 with 1.19.13 firmware and LTE card installed

This thread is about a specific visual bug in schedule creation from 2018.

If you are having a general issue with Sunset/Sunrise schedule activation, the first step would be to power cycle the alarm panel, then delete the schedule, wait 10 minutes, and recreate the schedule. Does it change the behavior after?