cant find my account!!!

I just added a new user and wantto set up his mane and passowrd. I called Data Entry and they asked my address and said they can’t find an account for me WTH?!?! I am leaving shortly and need this set up NOW. What is going on?

Happy to help! For the best resolution, will be able to provide more specific details than I can on the public forum, but in general you’ll want to make sure the correct number is being dialed for the central station: 855-348-0367.

Also, have you moved recently? Your alarm system can of course move with you, but a change of address would need to be reported so that could be updated in your account settings. You can find the steps to update your address on this page.

I see an active account related to your subscription, so it also could just have been a mistake by the operator if the other info was correct, if you would like you could also just submit your desired changes through our secure message tool here and our customer service team will handle the changes for you and email confirmation!