Android Auto Support now live! ..But not really functional

Looks like just rolled out Android Auto support:

Unfortunately, I tried it this morning, and it doesn’t seem very functional. Launching the Android Auto app only shows icons for the default [non-deletable] Home and Away scenes. I have about 12 scenes configured, but none of these are showing up.

I figured that I’d at least customize and test out the default Home scene, which I’ve never previously configured or used. As soon as I reconfigured it to perform a couple more actions, it disappeared entirely from ADC’s Android Auto app, leaving only the Away scene in place:

The default Home scene still shows up on the ADC app on my phone, however. I rebooted my phone and relaunched the Android Auto app, but it still only shows the icon for the default Away scene. I suspect if I attempt to edit the Away scene that it might disappear from Android Auto, as well.

In anyone else seeing something similar? Are these both known issues?

Only the Home and Away scenes are supported right now. Scenes involving Garage automation should work, but other features such as locks, etc., will likely not be available based on what I am seeing. What edits did you make to the Home scene specifically?

Supported features are as follows:

  • Scenes (Home and Away)
  • Garage door commands (i.e., Open and Close)
  • Notifications (i.e., Pending alarm, Alarm, Arming reminder, and location-based notifications)

So, I added commands to unlock a door, as well as open a garage door. Based on your statement, sounds like any door commands are a no-go at this time, so I reverted back to the original scenes configuration and removed BOTH commands I had added, leaving only the default system disarm command. I then went to my car and ran the Android Auto app, but still didn’t see Home scene.

At this point, I rebooted my phone and then was finally able to see the Home scene available again. I then proceeded to re-add JUST the open garage door command and was still able to see the Home scene available in the Android Auto app. This seemed consistent with your comment on support being limited to these two default scenes, and system arm/disarm and garage door open/close commands. Looking good for what was currently expected to work, I figured, so I proceeded to also edit the Away scene to only add a command to close two garage doors.

When I arrived home, I launched the Android Auto app only to see a “logging in” message, which was quickly replaced by a message stating “You don’t have any available features for Android Auto at this time.” Strange. Neither of the original scenes were available in the Android Auto app. I rebooted my phone, tried again, and same behavior.

Finally, I restored BOTH scenes to exactly the default actions - disarm and arm system, respectively, and nothing else. This doesn’t seem consistent with even the limited supported scenes and actions currently claimed. If I simply add a garage door open OR close commands to either scene, this removes the scene from being available in Android Auto.

I recognize that this Android Auto app was only just released and will be enhanced with time, so mainly sharing some early feedback here, as I understand that this is unexpected and perhaps warrants some feedback to ADC. Thanks!

I recognize that this Android Auto app was only just released and will be enhanced with time, so mainly sharing some early feedback here, as I understand that this is unexpected and perhaps warrants some feedback to ADC. Thanks!

That you for the detailed feedback, yeah the documentation is not explicit in saying it supports any edits to the Home and Away scenes, but it does imply it by calling out that the scenes will be unavailable if they control devices which cannot be controlled by Android Auto currently.

That would exclude garage doors, but that may also be a future expectation or miscommunication. I’ll forward your feedback and see if we can get clarity on whether any edits should be possible.

I see what probably happened here.

It looks like you are using MyQ garage, yes?

Chamberlain apparently refuses to permit Android Auto control through This detail was recently added to documentation.

It was available for a short time on first release, but now is not supported.

Z-wave and Aladdin Connect are supported.

I’m trying the Android Auto out on my IQP4. Is it true you cannot see the status of the panel and if it’s armed or not?

Looks like we missed you on this one. The only features of Android Auto so far:

  • Run scenes (i.e., Home and Away)
  • Garage door commands (i.e., Open and Close)
  • Notifications (i.e., Pending alarm, Alarm, Arming reminder, and location-based notifications)

Thanks. What’s the best way to ask for the simple “Show current state of system” enhancement? Any idea?

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