ADT won’t let me use the panel


I just recently moved to a home that has an IQ 4 panel and the previous owners had ADT. I’m trying to contact ADT to get them to delete the account and I keep getting told no, although I managed to talk to one person that knew what I was talking about and even asked for the IMEI number on the back of the panel. I couldn’t do anything at the time because the previous owners did not cancel the service and I had none of their information to change anything.

Any advice on what to do here would be greatly appreciated!

You may need to contact your realtor or if you can contact the previous home owner and have them contact ADT because usually only the person on the account can make changes and request cancelation.

Once they cancel the account, you can use the Module Check Tool to check the account is really canceled and check compatibility.

About our service, we are a do it yourself, service provider. All service and support is handled online through our website, we are unable to provide phone support, local installation, or maintenance. You can find more about how Surety works here.

Service through Surety requires an compatible panel as well as an unregistered, 4G LTE cellular module. If you already have equipment, you can check the status of your cellular module via our Module Check Tool to determine if your system is eligible for service. If you aren’t sure which type of module you have, refer to this guide here.

Plan pricing and features can be found here. As service is offered on a month to month basis, plans can be changed at any time. To begin service, purcahse the service plan that best suits your needs. After purhcase, the website will walk you through the account creation process. Provided you have an unregistered, 4G LTE module, it takes about 5 minutes from service plan purhcase to account setup and connection.

Here you will find our General Policies and Frequently Asked Questions! Technical support can be found on our Support Site , where our technicians are always happy to help you!