Adding a delay to fire Dispatch

Is it possible to Add a delay to fire alarm activation or dispatch?

Good question! Standard operating procedures can be found here.

You cannot add a delay of any kind to the alarm panel regarding fire alarms. A fire signal will be immediately forwarded.

We cannot add a manual delay to processing the fire alarm signal by the central station, but note that we can set up special instruction, should you wish, to contact a cell user prior to dispatch. This will also, in effect, delay processing of dispatch. It looks like this account does not have a location number or Two way voice enabled, which are the only two contact methods used prior to fire dispatch.

If you would like to have a cell phone contact called prior to fire dispatch, please send us a secure message indicating this and include the contact and number it should apply to.

Can the central monitoring initiate the 2-way voice to confirm prior to processing the signal? How do I enable this on the panel?

Yes, Two Way Voice would be used first in the event of a fire signal (note that they would be answering the Two Way call, not initiating.)

Two Way Voice is available on Gold Interactive accounts with compatible alarm panels and modules. It looks like this account could add Two Way Voice at any time.

Changes would not be necessary at the panel as the change would be initiated from our side. After, when an alarm occurs, the panel would initiate a Two Way Voice call which is forwarded to the CS as the first contact.

If you would like to make account changes such as enabling or disabling Two Way Voice, please send a secure message to our customer service team with the request and they will be happy to get you set up!