Add chime to 2gig

I currently have vivint with the doorbell. Problem is I only have 1 main panel. The doorbell only rings at the panel. I saw someone on YouTube hardwired a small speaker I was wondering if that is real. Can I hardwire and connect to the home speaker system. More preferably I prefer to figure out how to connect the doorbell to my PBX. Basically any way to get it to chime and any other location besides the main panel.

Do you have a 2GIG Go!Control panel, or do you have a Sky Panel? Since you mention a doorbell I am guessing Sky Panel.

Note that this is a technical support forum for suretyDIY, an service dealer. We do not provide support for incompatible products, such as the Sky Panel. If you have the Sky, be sure to contact your provider for assistance.

Can I hardwire and connect to the home speaker system. More preferably I prefer to figure out how to connect the doorbell to my PBX.

No, the Go!Control bell output (or open collector) could not be used to drive a speaker system by itself. It is for use only with low current piezo sirens or buzzers, and you would not be able to limit it to only doorbell presses.

If you have a Go!Control, the easiest way to get chimes duplicated in another location (and only way to get the same chimes) is to add a TS1 secondary touchscreen.