ADC-VC825 cameras will not stay connected

Keeping two of these cameras with ADC W100 ethernet wireless bridge has been a struggle. I’ve separated my 2.4 and 5ghz bands, assigned static IP’s to the two cameras and SVR and the connection continues to fail. Any ideas? Thanks

To clarify, the issue you are seeing is specifically the cameras are not recording reliably to the SVR?

Do you notice an inability to connect to the cameras for remote live view?

What model of router do you use? Do you have multiple access points?

Thanks Jason. After multiple resets, it looks like the cameras are staying connected now. I’m using an Archer AXE95 router - no access points. A big shout out to Surety - I’ve received more support in the first 30 days than I did with my old Alarm.Com provider for 12 years!