ADC-V723 Calibration

Hi. I installed two V723 cameras. The live video is great, however, I can’t get the calibration to work. It shows the two cameras and shows never calibrated, but when I click one of the cameras it shows me a frozen image from hours earlier. Thank you.

Are you using the app or a web browser?

If browser, which one are you using when attempting to set up the calibration?

If app, what version of the app and what model of phone and OS are you using?

iPhone 11 ProMax iOS 13.7, app version 4.15.

I wouldn’t expect issues in the latest iOS app, but it would be worth trying in a web browser to compare.

I’m not aware of any general operations alert which would cause an issue with calibration.

If you pull it up in a browser is there any difference?

I tried in the browser on iPhone with no difference.

Actually the browser on iPhone won’t give you access to cameras. I was thinking of the browser on my MacBook. Same experience there as on iPhone app.

Gotcha, which browser is that? Safari?

Have you tried Chrome? Just looking to report as much as I can to ADC to get the quickest turn-around.

Yes it was Safari. I also tried Firefox browser with same result.

Thank you. While going through the calibration steps are you actually stopped from completing the photo steps? Is the “Take Photo” button disabled? Or are you able to take the 5 photos and it fails later in the process?

Can you send a private message with a photo of where the process fails if there is a specific spot?

Yes, I will send a private message in just a few minutes.

Private message with pics sent.

Thank you very much, the photos help clearly show the error. I’ve not seen this behavior myself. So that still image is flipped. Did you originally try to do the calibration with the image upside down or did you flip the image in settings, then try calibration? I am more curious as to why that particular image is stuck as the only one shown.

I think the best next step is going to be deleting one of the cameras from the account, then re-pairing it with Flip the image in settings, then go in and try calibrating again.

Hi Jason, I did delete and re-pair the cameras and got them to working correctly. I had originally tried that yesterday, but it didn’t work. Thank you for your help.