ADC-T40K-HD and ADC-S40-T Sensors

Has he other people had this issue as well? I ask because the last troubleshooting step was to try it with just two sensors, leading me to believe something has been identified when 3 or more sensors are included.

No, this is not a known issue.

The suggestion was to isolate the thermostat from the equation and just make sure the temp sensors would average and control the set point properly.

Can you confirm if this is true from above?

I can confirm it works with 2 sensors without thermostat. When I attempt to add more, then it starts defaulting to the thermostat temperature only, even though it’s not selected.

Would you mind recreating that and letting us know when the problem occurs and which 3 temp sensors were used? I can have ADC look at that exact event and give them the details of which sensors were involved.

These details will help identify the underlying problem or bug.