ADC-T2000 Not working correctly

so its been a roller coaster with our ADC-T2000 GC3 with Firmware 3.01

on several occasions including last night the thermostat was stuck on and the house reached 78F it was set to a schedule of 68F

there is temp alarm at 78F.

this has happen on more than one occasion, any suggestions?

I’m not seeing a temp alert in history last night. Do you mean an alert went off, or that you set one, but it didn’t go off?

The concern I think with the setup I see is that there are RTS sensors averaging into the temp. One reported offline on 3/6/2017 and hasn’t returned. In general the RTS is not yet supported by GC3 firmware, so enabling them and especially using them to average the current temp at this time is not recommended. I would strongly suggest not using the RTS to influence the temp reading of the Tstat at this time.

If you remove the RTS, do you still see this kind of activity?

the RTS remove them selves all the time so we have stoped trying to avg the temp. . .

no alert lastnight i woke up around midnight from heat and had to adjust the thermostat for it to shut off.

the RTS remove them selves all the time so we have stoped trying to avg the temp. . .

It appears temperature averaging is currently enabled and all RTS are selected. It may be a good idea to remove the RTS from the panel entirely.

any idea if 2gig has another FW release anytime soon?

We do not have an ETA, but one is in the works. We are hoping for more automation compatibility.