ADC-T2000 Features

I am considering changing to the ADC-T2000 Tstat in the near future, although I have to admit, I do not like the way it look or the restricted functionality on the face of the device. The ADC website touts a number of “smart” features, some of which are nice and some unwanted. To what extent can you opt out of specific features on the T2000? For instance, the website says that the T2000 will automatically raise the thermostat setpoint if a door or window is left open. I understand that this is meant to save money. However, that is not a feature I could live with. Can it be turned off?

For instance, the website says that the T2000 will automatically raise the thermostat setpoint if a door or window is left open. I understand that this is meant to save money. However, that is not a feature I could live with. Can it be turned off?

Yep, that is a rule you set up in (and that example is not exclusive to the T2000). You can turn it on or off as needed, select which sensors the rule would apply to, etc. It is not something the thermostat just does.

Most features are simply rule based. Were there other features you were concerned with?