ADC notifications help

Is there a way to turn off email notifications of alarm actions? In the ADC app I have push notifications enabled, but I’d like to disable the emails from Surety.

Yes, you can do so in the app or website. By default your primary email address is set as the recipient for all default notifications like alarms, but it can be removed from any of them.

The options to do so would be under Notifications. In the app, tap the arrow to the right of the notification you want to edit, then tap the X next to any contact recipient you want to remove (the email address).

The website is very similar. Select Notifications from the menu, then click the edit button for any notification you want to remove the email address from and change the recipient.

Be sure to save each edit.

Very helpful, thanks. Related question: when I get push notifications, they all identify arm/disarm from partition 1. I only plan to have one partition, so I’d like to remove that verbiage from the notification (easier to assume ALL notifications are related to partition one). Is that possible?

I was able to change the name of “partition 1” to something a little more palatable (aka “home”) which is a fine solution.

I was able to change the name of “partition 1” to something a little more palatable (aka “home”) which is a fine solution.

Yes, changing the name of the partition is the way to alter that wording.