Account modification

Hiw do Take a doorbell camera of my account. I am not currently using it and dont want to pay for it.

You can delete the camera from Login to your account in a web browser and navigate to video > settings > video device info for that camera. The option to delete is there.

Then change your plan at any time in the system manager here. You can remove the video add-on there. Changes in the system manager happen immediately on your account.

Ok so i found that and removed the doorbell video on my account manager but now i dont see my garage door. I did not take it off my account. It still shows it and that i am paying $18

MyQ is still on your subscription and only the doorbell add-on was removed.

Looking at your account history, I don’t actually see any MyQ devices having been linked after adding MyQ support on 2/15.

To add a MyQ device, login to the website (not app) and go to Settings > Manage Devices > Add a device.