A very important Alarm Rule is not working

This rule was working before. When my alarm get triggered, I want it to turn on lights, and an exterior siren plugged into a z-wave switch. I have attached the rule.

When the alarm is triggered, it does not trigger ANY of those devices listed. Please help

The rule looks fine…except the ‘select devices’ looks like it has no devices selected at all. See screenshot.

How are you triggering the alarm?

Notice the “checkmarks” for each selected device…

Is this the only rule nit functioning? When was it created?

What browser are you using?

Also have you tried recreating the rule?

From what I understand, the mere presence of the devices indicate that they are selected. Before there were no devices listed.

I recreated the rule when I started service with you. It worked. then stopped working I deleted it and recreated it again last light.

My other rules function.

I trigger it by opening a sliding door while alarm is armed.

I am using Firefox

I can control devices individually from my panel still.

on a side note, when the alarm trips, the notification to my cell phone works

From what I understand, the mere presence of the devices indicate that they are selected.


It could be your browser. Delete the rule on alarm.com, and recreate it in another supported browser. On mine (chrome and IE), the devices are present whether they are selected or not.

For example:



I did it in a different Browser. IE. Same thing. I dont have those checkmarks. It should be noted that in the summary page of all my rules it shows all the devices under that rule

I did it in a different Browser. IE. Same thing. I dont have those checkmarks. It should be noted that in the summary page of all my rules it shows all the devices under that rule

Then that is your problem. You should have those check marks (especially if in IE browser) . for whatever reason, your devices are not selectable. Resolve that.

IE 10 browser screenshot:

Surety Team:

How do I resolve this?

All I see are “X”'s to remove those items

There should be check marks, not just “Xs” next to the devices. We’re working with ADC on it, but it would be helpful to know when the rule last worked properly.

I’ve just learned if you have more than 10 lighting devices to choose from, the display changes to that which you are seeing (vs the check marks shown above). This may be a new change, as I’ve never noticed before.

I’ve had some additional commands sent through from ADC that may fix the problem. Give them another 15 minutes, then let’s test at your convenience by activating the alarm.

The issues seems to be resolved.

Do you mind me asking what specifically was wrong? I only ask because I dont really trip my alarm often and I dont want it to fail again without me knowing.

In my experience when Alarm.com rules don’t work, the problem usually (maybe always) occurs when the rules are being sent down from Alarm.com to the 2GIG panel to be saved. I don’t know why but sometimes they don’t get saved in 2GIG properly. It seems to happen most when one creates or modifies multiple rules in a short period of time. The higher the rate of changes the more likely the problem occurs. It’s almost as if they can collide with each other when being saved. One thing I like to do is test all (even existing) rules after making significant changes. Also, if possible, wait a few minutes between saving rule changes… although sometimes I don’t have the patience for that.

Even if you didn’t create or modify that rule yourself recently, it’s possible that while troubleshooting your Schlage lock the rules were deleted and then re-added. Some trouble-shooting maintenance operations done remotely will cause rules to be deleted and then re-added.

I’m just guessing here. Obviously I don’t know exactly what would have caused this particular rule not to work. Did you try/do anything to resolve this problem or did it just seem to resolve itself?

I deleted the old rule and readded several times to no avail. If you read above, Amber sent some additional “commands” and this seemed to fix it. I guess I was just curious as to the “additional commands”

I ask because it is somewhat of a pain all the time to test this rule and it is in important one that only goes off if there is a break in or emergency.

The additional “commands” she sent probably deleted all your ADC rules in the 2GIG panel and then re-saved them and they probably saved properly that time. Just my best guess.