2GIG secondary panel comparison question

Hi, I know the SP1 isn’t available via Surety yet, but I was wondering if you could help me figure out which would be better suited for our use. We would put the secondary panel in the master bedroom. I don’t know that I want the bright lights from the round buttons glowing all night, which leads me more towards the SP2, but do you know if it is possible to dim or turn off the button lights? Also, can the screen brightness on both panels be adjusted and does the screen backlight timeout like it does in the main panel?

I do like that the SP1 has voice annunciation and that you can see at a glance if the alarm is armed via the red button…just not sure if it would be too bright in a bedroom at night.


Happy to help! We are not sure about the button lights being dimmed or turned off. This has been mentioned a few times but there is no confirmation yet. I would not assume so. See this thread.

As far as the Timeout and Brightness, these features should be the same as what is on the GC3. The SP1 shares most of the same hardware and software of the GC3.

The SP2 does not have face buttons, however it does have a quirk which causes the screen to turn back on when sensor activity is detected. This is most noticeable with motion detectors. I believe they are looking to patch this out.

Thank you, Jason!

With the SP2, does the screen turn on only when the sensors are armed? Or when there is any sensor activity at all? For instance, at night, armed HOME, the motions would not be armed. Would a trigger from one of those motions still cause the screen to turn on?

How likely is that to be fixed via patch?

And with the SP2, there is no voice announcement, correct? So is everything alerted with beeps only?

And aside from voice annunciation, weather and automation control, is there any difference?


With the SP2, does the screen turn on only when the sensors are armed? Or when there is any sensor activity at all?

Any activity.

How likely is that to be fixed via patch?

I can’t speak for the manufacturer, but I wouldn’t want it to function that way on my system. I would expect it to be resolved at some point. I could not say for certain whether this fix will be available to existing units or only new ones, but 2GIG typically provides good support for existing revisions.

And with the SP2, there is no voice announcement, correct? So is everything alerted with beeps only?

Correct no voice announcement.

And aside from voice annunciation, weather and automation control, is there any difference?

The SP2 is a local arm/disarm station with status feedback. It is an Android based device emulating the GC3 software design. Arming requires a passcode. A description of some of the differences in operation from the expected SP1 and GC3 can be found here.