2gig pir1-345 walk test

can you please help explain how to walk test this sensor on the GC2 panel? i put the panel in walk test mode. i placed a magnet by the sensor, which caused the red LED to light. the sensor seems to be detecting motion, as the light comes on with motion. however, the panel is not reporting activation of the sensor; the panel is correctly reporting activation of the other sensors in walk test mode.

also, if i don’t want pet immunity, should i remove the pet immunity jumper completely, or leave it on 33, and make the sensitivity high?


can you please help explain how to walk test this sensor on the GC2 panel? i put the panel in walk test mode. i placed a magnet by the sensor, which caused the red LED to light. the sensor seems to be detecting motion, as the light comes on with motion. however, the panel is not reporting activation of the sensor

Happy to help! This is just combining two different tests. Triggering the PIR local test with a magnet will let you see a visual LED indicator on the Motion detector whenever it would capture motion without any sort of power save delay, allowing you to properly angle it for range. This however does not have anything to do with the panel’s walk test.

To test the sensor signal, you just want to do normally so without using the magnet on the PIR1. Keep in mind in this case the power save delay will apply, so try to stay out of view of the detector for a few minutes before walking in to activate it.

also, if i don’t want pet immunity, should i remove the pet immunity jumper completely, or leave it on 33, and make the sensitivity high?

You should just set the sensitivity to high and the lower weight setting, yes.

Ah thanks for clarifying I was confusing two separate testing functions!

So it’s not possible to conduct a panel walk test without the power save feature, ie have the panel chime each time I trip the sensor? If I remember correctly I was able to do that with the Honeywell 5800pir?

What would the effect be if I removed the pet sensitivity jumper altogether?

Is the Honeywell or 2gig pir generally more sensitive (on the highest sensitivity settings for each)?

So it’s not possible to conduct a panel walk test without the power save feature, ie have the panel chime each time I trip the sensor?

No. Entering a walk test on the panel will not affect the power save function on the PIR1. Simply wait a couple minutes outside of view before attempting activation.

Note that this type of test lets you know sensors are functional, but it does not confirm correct programming and alarm generation. We recommend testing all sensors under normal arming conditions, especially right after installation.

If you have 24/7 CS monitoring you can place your account on test mode by contacting the monitoring station at any time.

What would the effect be if I removed the pet sensitivity jumper altogether?

Per 2GIG it reverts to the default values listed in the manual, which would be 55 Lbs.

Is the Honeywell or 2gig pir generally more sensitive (on the highest sensitivity settings for each)?

I’ve not done a side-by-side comparison, but overall we notice no appreciable difference.