2gig GC3 & motion sensor - need advice

Hey guys, so I have a slight issue I need some advice on. We have a detached garage approx. 10’ away from the home, that we have a pir-234 interior motion detector in. The trouble is that, whenever we leave the home in the morning, and hit “Arm Away”, we do not have enough time to walk outside, into the garage, get kids strapped into vehicle, and pull out of the garage before the motion detector goes off, and sets the panel into alarm.

And vice versa when we arrive home for the day - we do not have enough time to pull into garage, get kids unbuckled, and get into the house to enter our PIN before the panel goes into alarm.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do here? This is on the new 2gig GC3 panel.


Install a secondary panel in garage (2GIG-PAD1), arm and disarm from that.

5 yr lithium battery operated, mounts to wall with screws.

There are a few things here:

Exit Delay Time.
Entry Delay Time.
Motion Detector.

The motion should be programmed as an alarm type (4) interior follower, this type of zone does not generate alarms during entry/exit delay.

You would need a sensor on the garage door to initiate Entry delay.

There are two independent Entry Delay options (Entry/Exit 1, Entry/Exit 2) which can be programmed for two separate Entry Delays (up to 4 minutes).

Exit Delay is universal, so there is only one value. Whatever you set it to, you can always use the Silence button to initiate silent exit, which doubles the exit delay for that arming period.

You can also use either a keyfob, or with Alarm.com service, the Alarm.com app, to arm the system while leaving.

Thanks Jason that helps a ton…

I also see that that scenario will only work if I put a sensor on the garage door to initiate entry delay. Without the sensor, the type (4) motion would set an alarm instantly when pulling into the garage.

I didn’t realize that the Silence exit doubles the exit delay time - so this would prob. work for the exit time.

Since there are 2 different entry delay options - am I able to program one motion sensor to use entry delay #1 (say 1 min), and another sensor to use entry delay #2 (say 2 mins)?

Since there are 2 different entry delay options – am I able to program one motion sensor to use entry delay #1 (say 1 min), and another sensor to use entry delay #2 (say 2 mins)?

Yes, you can program them independently and assign to different sensors. 30 seconds up to 240 seconds.

However, the motion sensor would not be programmed as an entry exit sensor. It would be Interior Follower. Regardless the delay period, an interior follower will not alarm during the delay countdown. The garage overhead door sensor would be programmed as the Entry Exit sensor. (Commonly Entry/Exit 2 with a longer delay.)

Qs 4,5, and 6 in system programming determine entry/exit delay lengths.

Does the motion sensor always use Entry delay #1? Or I guess is there anyway to tell the motion sensor to use entry delay #2? I know u can program the entry/exit sensors, but not sure on the motion sensor.

Does the motion sensor always use Entry delay #1

Interior follower will use whatever delay you triggered. Say you installed garage door sensor, and triggered it, the PIR will follow that delay.

Otherwise, if you have no sensor to trigger you don’t use interior follower, you use motion with delay which uses the entry delay 1 (which can be programmed up to 240 sec).

Honestly, you are making this way too difficult. get a $40 keypad and put it in the garage, or get a $20 keyfob and use either or to arm and disarm from within garage itself

However, the motion sensor would not be programmed as an entry exit sensor. It would be Interior Follower. Regardless the delay period, an interior follower will not alarm during the delay countdown.

The motion detector is programmed as (4) Interior Follower.

It will not trip an alarm during any entry delay. If an entry/exit 1 sensor is tripped, and Entry Delay 1, Q5, is programmed for 30 seconds, Interior Follower sensors will not generate an alarm during that 30 seconds.

If an entry/exit 2 sensor is tripped and it is programmed for a 120 second entry delay, Interior Follower sensors would not trip an alarm for that 120 seconds.

The motion detector is programmed as (4) Interior Follower.

You do realize that OP doesn’t have a garage door sensor, right?, and the garage is sensored with a PIR motion (least that is what I gathered). So say returning home, and opening the garage door will not work with zone type 04 PIR as it will instantly alarm.

In that case, he needs to use (10) motion with delay (which follows the set entry 1 delay), otherwise, if set as interior follower (04), as soon as he trips the garage motion it will immediately alarm as it is not preceded by the triggering of an entry delay sensor.

On top of that, garage is 10’ from the house and panel. Even a 4 min delay is pushing it, and will most likely result in false activations (securing/unsecuring kids in car seats, removing/adding items into vehicle, traveling distance between structures, opening/closing, locking/unlocking doors, etc).

Correct Riven - that’s what I was getting at. I have no garage door sensor / only the motion sensor so I do not want to set it to Interior follow. I just wanted to know if I could make the motion sensor use the entry 2 delay - which doesn’t sound possible. So as an easy fix to this, I am just going set entry 1 delay to 240 seconds, and all my house door sensors to entry/exit delay 2 (60 seconds).

yes. DO NOT set to (04) interior follower.

you MUST use (10) motion with delay. which will use the entry delay 1. You will not be able to use entry delay 2.

240 sec is not a long time when you have kids. Good luck with that.

You can in fact set the motion detector to “(10) Interior with Delay” if you wish. It can be programmed as Entry/Exit 1 or 2 as well. I had originally suggested using a garage overhead door sensor (adding one on) to initiate delay. Sorry for any confusion.

I would typically not recommend using a motion detector to initiate entry delay, but it can be done of course.

Yes, its set to (10) Motion w/ Delay. 240 seconds should be fine. If it turns out 240 isn’t enough, then I will look into adding another sensor, and/or a keypad for the garage.

“You can in fact set the motion detector to “(10) Interior with Delay” if you wish. It can be programmed as Entry/Exit 1 or 2 as well” - So I could actually setup the motion detector as (2)Entry/Exit 2 - and it will still work as a motion sensor?

It can be programmed as Entry/Exit 1 or 2 as well

I think you may be mistaken. I know the GC2 uses entry delay 1 for zone type 10.

the GC3 also uses entry delay 1.

I think Jason is saying you can change the motion sensor to zone type (2) Entry/Exit Delay 2?

I think you may be mistaken. I know the GC2 uses entry delay 1 for zone type 10.

As in, you can literally program the motion detector as Zone Type (1) Entry Exit 1, or Zone Type (2) Entry Exit 2.

Yes, (10) Interior with Delay would be what you would want to use generally, but as this sensor is being used as an entry delay sensor for a point of entry from the outside, using a Zone Type that is not armed while using “Arm Stay” may not be best, depending on how the system will be used.

Part of the reason I said I typically do not recommend using motions to initiate delays. It can be done though.

I think in this scenario that is exactly what I want. I can set the motion detector as Zone Type (2) Entry/Exit 2. Leave my (Q6)Entry/Exit 1 delay at the default, and have my (Q7)Entry/Exit 2 delay to 240. This way, even when the system is “Armed Stay”, it will still trigger a alarm if motion is detected in the garage.

I think Jason is saying you can change the motion sensor to zone type (2) Entry/Exit Delay 2?

Yep, sorry for the confusion before I was still going off the adding a door sensor idea.

If you program it as Entry Exit 1 or 2, it will change how ADC sees the sensor and how it is reported. It will activate Stay or Away, so the system would need to be disarmed before entering its line of sight or you would initiate countdown (if you needed to get something out of the garage while the system is armed, for example)

If you program it as (10) Interior with Delay, it will function off of Entry Delay 1’s programmed time delay, but will not activate if armed stay.

Ultimately how you intend to use the system will determine best course.

In cases where you are trying to get kids inside, disarming from inside the garage or using the app as you approach may be best. The limitation is of course the maximum delay.

This is fine, as even if system was in “ARMED STAY”, we would have to disarm the system anyway to go out the side door to get into the garage.
Big thank you to both Jason & riven for your help!

My phone is telling me the motion sensors just went pending/alarm though nobody is there (as of 7 hours ago) assuming no one has actually has broken in. I reused the wired motion sensors in my home with the takeover module, and did not have an issue with the wired alarm motions tripping.

I’ll look into it, but generally, should regular old interior motion sensors be (04) or (10)?