Which firmware update do I download

I just received the Vivout package, installed the new cell module and am ready to update the firmware. I note several different builds of firmware . . . which one should I download. Also my laptop is running Windows 8 will that be compatible with the download and update? Thanks for your help.

Currently 1.10.1 is the latest. Not sure about Windows 8, our tech laptops are Windows 7.

I created this link that we’ll keep updated to always point to the newest.


The Windows version is 8.1 running on a HP laptop without COM port. The client established COM3 as a USB/COM emulator. With no power to the module, it has been connected for nearly 45 minutes without anything happening. There is no response from the 2Gig module. Sorry to be a pest.

UPDATE: The CP requires power in order to download the updated firmware. We never did get a “RED FAIL” screen but plugged in the battery first and then power. The software then immediately started loading. Although it appears to be up and running, my system may still require some tweaking. Thanks for your help and I hope my experience will work for others.