Verizon LTE sled upgrade GC3

Also, the battery seems to have failed during the course of this process. It no longer powers the gc3 unit when I cut power.

Hmm. If you pull on the wires to the battery connector one of the wires may have come loose. Double check where it fits on the connector.

Regarding the module, can you send a photo of that module’s IMEI to us as a private message? I want to double check the IMEI against what is in ADC.

I think the last step I would try in this case is open the cell sled and be sure that the internal antenna is secure, unplug and reconnect that antenna, then close it up, plug in the module, power up the panel, wait about 5 minutes, then try a test again.

Yeah I’ve checked the sled. Do you mean actually looking inside the sled itself? Like unscrewing it to make sure the antenna is connected? I don’t think that’s what you mean but wanted to double check. Is it possible the sled is defective? Has this been an issue? I see another thread where someone had a similar problem.

Yes, I do mean open the sled up. There is an antenna inside with a plug connector. That connection may be loose. ADC has suggested this as a possible cause.

That is likely the last troubleshooting, given all the other troubleshooting performed. If removing and reconnecting that antenna does not resolve the issue then I think replacement is the next step. Let me know if you have any success with the above.

I actually don’t see an antenna with a plug connector. Is there supposed to be something plugged in there?

Yeah, the antenna would rest in that narrow panhandle part and it would be plugged into the little round connector.

Was that factory sealed? We did end up swapping another cell sled recently, but it wasn’t opened to check the antenna. It is possible they may have had a few that went out without antenna.

I forgot, those LTEV-1 have a different antenna setup I believe, but the next step would be RMA regardless in this case given all the other troubleshooting.

I am sending you a private message with RMA details.

Yeah, it was factory sealed. Any way you can just send the part?

This will need to be handled as an RMA unfortunately.