Thermostat Humidity Monitoring

Hello all,

My parents have a place in Florida that they use in the winter. However, when they leave and move back north for the summer, they want to be able to monitor the indoor humidity.

On their current 2gig/ system, they can view the temperature but they cannot see the humidity. But, on the actual thermostat, the humidity is visible (CT-100).

When will you be able to view the humidity on the app or through the website?

Thank you

At this time, has no plans to enable the ability to view or manage humidity levels through the app. This has been a feature that some customers have asked for, so hopefully there will be future integration but I’m told nothing is being worked on currently.

+1 on the feature request.

Any update on this feature request?

Humidity and humidifier control is something that has been talked about a lot, but usually in relation to the ADC T2000. I’m not aware of any ETA, only that it is something of interest as a future feature.

Thanks Jason. I would probably be willing to go to a T2000 if it gave me humidity control, I do understand that humidity hasn’t been part of ZWave so it’s unlikely my existing Radio Thermostat will ever do it.

Related - do you know if the T2000 supports a differential setting for humidity control? That is, specify for example a 2% differential, so that if the target is 35%, the humidifier kicks on when it drops to 33%. My current unit is not configurable, and we have “flapping” issues, that is if it’s set at 35% the unit kicks on and off frequently as it goes between 34/35%.

Related – do you know if the T2000 supports a differential setting for humidity control?

It does not support humidity control yet. This would be a possible future addition through newer firmware.

This response is somewhat related to observations made in a separate thread.

I’ve found that if one changes the Configurable Terminal setting on ADC-T2000s to “Humidifier” (available via the Android app, but not web site), that this then opens up the following configurations on the Advanced menu:
1.) Humidity Display [Enabled/Disabled]: Selectable, but Enabling this still does not display humidity anywhere, however.
2.) Humidity Differential [0-10 degrees F): This is grayed out. I saw that you were asking about this, Ben.

I’m gathering that these are probably just placeholder configurations and still yet supported on the ADC-T2000 thermostat. But, figured I’d mention this, as this may be indication that a Humidity Differential configuration is at least planned to be supported in the ADC-T2000, if/when the applicable firmware update rolls out.

I don’t know how long these placeholders that been available in the Android app, so not sure if this could be an indication that we’re getting closer to such functionality getting supported…? Could be wishful thinking, too.

See here for update.

Well that’s exciting. I would consider switching to the ADC thermostat if they can give me humidity control. I like the RTS functionality but at this point humidity control is more important to me.

Just swinging back on this, Humidity Differential is an available setting found under the Advanced Configuration Tab for the ADC-T2000 1.5 or higher.