Stats missing "Auto" mode after panel upgrade to IQ4

I have had two Radio CT-32 stats for a few years now originally on my GC2 panel. Once I swapped out that GC2 for an IQ4 last year and re-included those two stats I coincidentally noticed a few months later come Fall season that neither ADC’s web or app now offers an “Auto” mode option like it used to thru the GC2 panel.

Well, here we are with mild Spring temps and the wife is pretty annoyed with having to manually switch between only Cool and Heat modes when Auto used to quietly take care of the switching between warm and cold swings.

If I use the stat’s Mode button to change it to Auto - or the IQ4 interface to change to Auto (so that proves Z-wave works and IQ4 also recognizes Auto ability) - then if I refresh the ADC stat card I get this weirdness. Then the ADC temps schedules also both disable and refuse to be re-enabled via web or app until I manually change the stats back to Cool or Heat mode first:

So it’s like ADC no longer wants to recognize Auto mode. Any idea how to get Auto working again with ADC?

IQ4 also updated to latest 4.2.1 f/w.

We have seen this on occasion where the TSTAT and panel support the auto mode setting for a thermostat but it does not appear on the ADC Website or app.

To troubleshoot:

  1. Remove the thermostat from the Z-Wave network and re-enroll into the network. Run a Z-Wave Network Rediscovery when all affected devices have been cleared and added.
  2. Test for functionality
  3. If removing and re-adding does not resolve the issue, factory reset the thermostat after deletion and before re-enrollment.