I’ve just started researching to replace an 8+ year old hardwired DSC system that requires a phone line and has none of the new features I would like, so just wading through forums and web sites to try to understand my options.
On the forum, I saw a few topics talking about the Qolsys system, but I just have a couple questions that weren’t answered that I thought the forum members or surety folks could help answer:
One of the moderators (Jay Skock) wrote “We do plan on offering Qolsys at some point in the future” in a post on . Any new news or ETA on actually caring the Qolsys equipment?
Since you are “Alarm.com” compatible, shouldn’t I be able to buy the Qolsys system from anyone, program and install and then just purchase the DIY monitoring for it through suretyDIY?
At the moment, I don’t have an ETA on when we will be carrying the Qolsys system or the equipment. That being said, we do support DIY monitoring for any system that is Alarm.com compatible. So, if you were able to get your hands on Qolsys equipment, you could just purchase the DIY monitoring and we can take care of that aspect of it for you.
Testing the Qolsys at home now, very nice, works with all my Interlogix sensors, the zwave range is impressive. The cell unit gets great signal withe a very small but we’ll shielded antenna. Very robust, screen calibration takes some time to get it the way I like
Jay – Anything new on you guys carrying qolsys panels? I’m up and running in one location with a 2gig system with you guys, but have another place that is completely outfitted with GE sensors (and an old GE Simon panel). I’d love to swap the panel there with a qolsys panel but am finding very limited choices when it comes to retailers that will sell it DIY and seem even remotely reputable.
Thanks for the feedback. We’re excited to get Qolsys up on our site, but in the mean time, we can support monitoring of Qolsys if you find it elsewhere.
UPDATE: suretyDIY now offers Qolsys and the IQ Panel.
I was debating on starting a new QoLSys thread or hopping in on this one, and opted for the latter for now.
Cliff’s Notes Version: Recent events have prompted (moreover prompted the wife to prompt) me to look into a monitored security system. I’m 90% certain I’m going the DIY route and pretty narrowed in on Alarm.com products, which led me here. All that said, I must admit I’m really interested in starting up with the QoLSys panel, depending on timing (which I know from the threads around here is “soon, but not sure when”). However, I did have a few out of the gate questions.
Since it’s compatible with Interlogix sensors, I’m assuming that resolves my desire for recessed door sensors as I could use their’s, correct? Is there anything in the Interlogix wireless line that would not work with the panel?
The only other answer I’ve had trouble finding so far is around garage door control. I know monitoring would be easy enough, but are there any controllers QoLSys would work with out of the gate? This isn’t a showstopper for me as I’m sure there will be soon, but if there’s a way that it would work now, I’d be all the happier.
@corxxgold, as you seem to be pretty happy with your setup and testing so far, have you come across any gotchas or even unexpected bonuses so far?
I can’t say with certainty because I haven’t seen it myself but yes, it should work with Interlogix recessed door sensors. We can look into it on Monday. I’ve only seen Qolsys and Resolution Products sensors work with the Qolsys panel myself. A simple contact should not have compatibility problems. The items that might have problems are things like key fobs that are a little more complicated. Honeywell keyfobs, for example, don’t work well with 2GIG.
If you’re using Alarm.com you should use Liftmaster MyQ garage door control. It’s independent of the Qolsys panel and uses your Internet connection to communicate instead. You program and use it through Alarm.com.
Thanks, Ryan. I was wondering about the garage door piece as I couldn’t tell from the descriptions if that interacted directly with the panel or not.
I assume no new news on when suretyCam might be selling the QoLSys? From my research so far, suretydiy has been pretty highly spoken on forums I tend to trust, so I’d just assume start here.