Does Surety plan on selling the Edge?
I can’t say at this time, but it is certainly possible. The Edge is a different case than prior systems and finds better parity with the IQ Panel 2+. In my own experience using it, the Edge seems like a nice panel.
We stopped selling other 2GIG systems years ago when I think the decision was made to sell only the system we felt was the best experience for new users.
We don’t discourage using other systems, if you want to use a GC3, we support it, of course. However, I will openly say that yes, there are clear differences in the level of support and maintenance between what 2GIG did with the GC3 and Qolsys with the IQ Panel 2.
Qolsys has released I think 20-25 firmware updates at a regular clip for the IQ Panel 2/2+, expanding its capabilities, and has developed resolutions for problems shortly after they are discovered. When we discover and report an issue, often firmware was already in development to resolve the behavior.
The GC3 has about half as many updates over its life-time, and problems took longer to resolve, a major one still unresolved as of the final firmware 3.2.5 despite years of reports. Here is a thread of relevant frustration. The GC3 is now discontinued with that linked bug still in firmware.