Qolsys IQ Panel 2 - intermittent sensor response

I just set the system to auto upload logs

Thank you for that information, we have informed Qolsys and will follow up as soon as we have additional information.

Any news?

Unfortunately Qolsys engineers were unable to determine anything specific from the logs sent. If the issue persists, replacement would be the next step.

If the issue persists? My alarm has been unusable since October when i reached out to you. I have tried to be patient while we exhausted all suggested troubleshooting options.

Will Qolsys or Surety offer anything at all? A discount on a new panel? A refund for the last 3 months of monitoring when the system hasnt worked?

I understand I am out of warranty but a firmware update made my alarm system defective.


I’m going to message you details and options. Looking into this, Qolsys has not gotten back to us again after we followed up regarding any details found in the logs and then resubmitting them. It sounds like the logs aren’t presenting any details which could explain the behavior.

Given that the behavior was triggered by updating to 2.7.0 and continued on 2.7.2, there is likely something about your panel hardware in particular helping to cause the error.

I replaced the radio daughtercard and that solved a similar problem. The daughtercard passed a system test.