Programming Questions

Please reset installer code to default 1561.

Also have issues in that panel will only let me enter a 4 digit account code and your email gave me an 8 digit code

It looks like this request came in very shortly after the panel was connected. The initial 2GIG command template is automatic and will open programming and set installer code to 1561. Have you not been able to access? We can resend the installer code command if needed, but want to be sure it has not been changed since.

Also have issues in that panel will only let me enter a 4 digit account code and your email gave me an 8 digit code

This sounds like you are referring to your monitoring account number, perhaps?

The account number should not be added in programming. Q8 should be (0) Disabled, and Q9-12 should be blank.

Enabling 8 and entering data in the other fields will only cause a “Phone Line Failure” message because these Questions govern landline communication which is not in use.

Your cellular communication module is tied to your account and can only communicate with it, eliminating local account programming.

Please resend installer code. This was post takeover.

I will change Q8-12 once I can get back in

Please resend installer code. This was post takeover.

Not a problem, we’ve had that command resent for you. Should take effect within 5 minutes.