Just upgraded to 4.5 - I have a single hardwire motion sensor (Bosch ISC-CDL1-W15) hooked to my PG9WLSHW8. On previous firmware I had it set to normally closed - and it worked as it should. On the new firmware it shows as motion - when there is none. I edited the sensor and changed it to the new ‘Global’ setting and set the Global settings to ‘Normally Closed’ - same result. I tried setting it to Normally Open and is shows no motion but does not correctly show motion when there is motion. I am not using a resister at the end at this point. Worked fine before - looking for suggestions.
Also - can’t find this:
Added a new UI page on the Panel to control Manual Command Output of IQ Hardwire PowerG PGM’s (PG9WLSHW8/PG9HRDW8).
I have added a resistor at motion sensor - and now it appears to be working. Something must have changed with firmware 4.5. Still wondering where the added UI is for the translator.
Thank you for following up and informing us about the resistor on the motion sensor. I currently don’t have access to an IQ Panel 4 with a Hardwire Translator for testing, so I’ve reached out to Qolsys for guidance on locating the new Hardwire Translator UI on the panel. I’ll keep you updated as I receive their instructions.
Instructions received from Qolsys for accessing the UI are as follows:
"If you program one of your PGM’s on the power G translator to command outputs definition you get the page. If you scroll right from the security page , this page should appear similar to a door lock or wellness page. "