Panel issue help

A 345 MHz IQ Panel 2+ does not work with 319.5 MHz sensors. It only works with 345 MHz and PowerG.

No, you don’t have to pay for shipping on a warranty replacement.

Well reason I’m asking if I can get the 319 in the replacement cause I ordered a translator universal one for the wireless sensors

Let go through the normal troubleshooting process with Qolsys and then we can figure out what to do. There just isnt much I can do today bc of the holiday. I promise we’ll talk to them tomorrow.

so im suppose to not have a system that works cause my parents went to set the alarm and it delayed on that

Hey Charlie, I apologize but I’m not clear on what you’re asking. You’re not supposed to not have a system that works.

i said I was gonna put a 319 panel in till we get this one fixed cause my parents can go without a system and I was told let wait to troubleshoot with qolsys

The panel that 345 panel isn’t work at all hardly it took forever to power it down again

You want to install a different model panel with a translator today rather than waiting until Surety and Qolsys are open tomorrow for troubleshooting? Do you already have the translator?

yes because i cant wait till and not leave them without protection

OK, how can I help?

i was just telling ya because it hard to tell when we will know when we can get the system fixed

just let me know when i need to send the panel back

I know the panel was hot when I powered it down I turned on the access point recently idk if that’s cause it and it’s mounted on the wall as well as being powered by the wire and battery transformer it came with

If the panel is physically hot to the touch that is definitely concerning.

Can you clarify this statement? Are you using the power supply that came with the panel using the barrel connector?

Are you using existing wiring that was in the wall and splicing on the new transformer? Can you post a photo of the transformer that is plugged in and powering the panel right now?

I’m using the provided power supply and wire That it came with I took it down yesterday and put up a back up pane for now because it was also freezing and stuff so u couldn’t use it at all I wasn’t taking a chance if the fire alarm go off or somthing and my parents not be able to turn it off I had to force it down when I powered it off

So r we gonna be able to have the system replaced

Yes, if the panel is really hot to the touch under normal operation with the correct transformer, I would not run it. We’ll check with the manufacturer to make sure there aren’t any known causes and get an RMA started through Qolsys for you. Will follow up shortly when Qolsys replies.

Warranty policy can be found here.

Ok question when Doing this can we be sent the 319 instead of the 345 if that’s ok with u all

Yes that is possible. The return process has been started and customer service will be following up with you soon regarding the next steps in the return process.

Ok sounds good

We heard from Qolsys that they have identified a logging-related bug that could lead to slowness with the UI. They’re expecting a fix to be included in 2.5.3. We’d love to know if you see a difference on you panels once that version is released and you’ve had a chance to upgrade.