New Account CDMA Question

Is it possible that because the current 3G CDMA was cancelled from a frontpoint account that or Verizon is not reactivating these older cards?

Tyler Is it possible that because the current 3G CDMA was cancelled from a frontpoint account that or Verizon is not reactivating these older cards?

If there is no antenna attached to the card, this would absolutely be the problem occurring. There is no other concern that would need to be considered until an antenna is added. It 100% must have an antenna attached. If a module was sent without an antenna originally, that would have been a very bad mistake from the prior provider.

If a module has been de-activated by the carrier, this would be reported through the ADC module check and setup process.

New CDMA modules are not often sold due to the impending CDMA sunset in a few years. If you are looking to get a new module, it would be best to replace with an LTE module. The link in Tyler’s response above has model numbers for LTE modules for Simon Panels.

Ok, well my daughter in a Texas told me she knocked the XT off the wall and it opened up. So it appears it fell off at that point. She said it was tucked into the case and thought she sent it with everything else. So I ordered an antenna yesterday should be in by the end of the week. If it does not help I will be ordering an LTE Module.

I will give an update when I get the antenna.

Thanks for your help and patience.

Not a problem! Be sure to power down the system to install the antenna, then power back up. Once the antenna is connected that should resolve the issue you are currently seeing!

Thanks Guys, the antenna worked.

That’s great to hear!