Linking garage doors with gateway

I am not able to link the MyQ system effectively. I check for new devices and non are able to be found. How to I link the openers to the gateway?

That depends on the equipment you are using. For the 828LM (for use with MyQ compatible overhead door controllers) you would set the gateway into learn mode through (done by selecting “Add a Device” and following the instructions) then pressing the learn/pair button on your garage door MyQ wall button (the 888 LM).

If you are using the universal retro-fit model, the 821LM, you would follow the packaged directions to link it to your wifi, then subscribe the universal hub through your account similarly to the 828LM, then follow the directions via the “Add a Device” function.

I have the 828lm. I set the gateway into learn mode from, light turns orange on gateway. Press learn button on door control. light turns blue on gateway. Then I press check for new devices and it says updating device list. Then it says “We are still awaiting confirmation from your system that your remote command has taken effect.”

It sounds like the breakdown is after pairing the device with the gateway, which should be just a simple equipment update, unless the pairing is not working properly.

What is the distance between your gateway and the garage control?

25 feet

How do I do an equipment update? Am I updating the gateway? How do I do that? Thanks

LiftMaster released some maintenance on the servers over the past few days. Occasionally, I’ve seen these updates cause some trouble while they’re going on. They’re done now, so I’d like to see if power cycling down and attempting again solves the problem and gets you up and running. If not, can you tell me what model garage door opener you are using?

That fixed it. Its working now. Thanks