Image Sensor Eating Batteries

You cant mix and match the battery types ( e.g., using alkaline if it is set for lithium, or it will trigger low battery quickly as they are typically designed to operate below 3.0v, which with lithium, means they are depleted), default is lithium, but can be changed on the backend.

The 100-GC is first gen, and horrible in regards to battery life (10 months max with lithium on average (I would average approx. 8 months or so), compared to two years on lithium for the second gen 200-GC). Always check the lithium package date, when buying AA lithium’s, make sure the date on package is current (e.g., 2015 or 2016).

On Lithium AA’s, low battery is triggered when the reported voltage hits near nominal 3.05V, new lithium’s will report around 3.40v (1.7v x2). Alkaline will report 3.2v (1.6v x2).

Unlike Alkaline, Lithium hold their voltage steady until nearly depleted (around 4% capacity), at which point the voltage drops. Alkaline will report less than 3.05v (1.5v x 2) when they are actually at 90% capacity still ( which is around 2.6V).

In summary, If you use alkaline, and it thinks they are lithium, the voltage will drop and report low battery even if they have only lost 10% capacity.

Do not use AA nimh rechargeables for same reason (2.6V to 2.4v @1.2v x2)