Overall, I’ve been pretty darn happy with the QolSys panel. About the closest thing to a glitch is there’s still a tiny lag when disarming the panel via the touchscreen. It used to be worse, but they addressed it in a firmware update that made things work very well. Outside of that, has been perfect. No glitches, no problems with sensors (other than the Resolution Garage Tilt sensor is a bit clunky, but that’s not the panel or even QolSys), has worked perfectly every time I’ve tested. Never had a problem with the auto bypass in my situation, so can’t speak to that.
My current hope on the disarm warning sound is just a result of where I chose to put the panel. I didn’t have a good place to mount near our main entry/exit door, so I took advantage of the design, got the stand and have it sitting on my piano in the living room. Loaded some pics onto the digital frame, and all is good. The downside for me was that it’s just far enough away from the door that you can’t hear the warning beep. If we could alter the volume of that sound, or load a new one, I’d be all set.
As to all the dreaded security flaws in Android 2.2, considering we already saw a demo from someone hacking and compromising a 2Gig panel, seems like trying to point to Android as such a threat is a bit iffy.
I’ve heard the status beep volume comment from a few sources now and would agree. I’ll forward this on to Qolsys reps.
Oddly, the digital frame aspect does make it appeal more to me as a desk, bookshelf, etc., mount on a backstand than 2GIG. This simple little addition (even with no security benefit) makes an impact that I did not think it would.
Have to agree on the frame part. My original idea was just a temporary usage, then we would mount it on the wall near the main door. But we quickly became so fond of it on the piano (we have other pics and such there), that we decided to skip the wall mount.
I have been adding to my z wave configuration and notices that when I turn off z wave lights via ADC or the panel the panel always says the name of the switch and “ON” regardless of whether it was on or off. Seems like a bug in the Qolsys.
I am running IQ, but what I am saying is the panel shows correct info, but the voice prompt the panel says when you change the status always verbally say ON.
I know this is discussed in another thread but please forward to Qolsys the desire to learn in secondary z-wave controllers. Also I would love to see a prompt when arming asking whether to bypass open sensors (same as the original topic of this thread). I am good about checking sensor status when arming but other family members do not check and sometimes arm with doors or windows open (I have the option set to bypass automatically so as to not go into alarm state late at night waking up the kids, etc.). If the system is armed stay with sensors bypassed and later those sensors are closed, do they then get armed immediately? Thanks!
A sensor bypassed at the panel will remain bypassed until an arming state change.
The IQ panel as of 1.4.2 should show you a list of sensors and whether they are open or not. Open sensors will automatically be selected for bypass, but they are shown in the list and it will update in real time (press arm, front door is open and selected for bypass, closing the door will uncheck the box and you can then arm normally)