Energy meter low battery alarm

Got it…another download location here: (my gdrive)

The original .exe file, not compressed.

Great thread, I installed the new firmware and my low battery warning is gone. Hallelujah! But, I’m not longer getting energy readings on ADC though the sensor is there. I tried re-adding the sensor after the firmware update. Does anything need to be done on the back end?

They on the back end can merge the old records with the new sensor. I did have to remove and re add it back in. Make sure all the energy settings are enabled on the panel.

Yes, if you have re-installed an energy meter and want to try to retain prior settings, let us know when you reinstall the names of the old and new device added, and we can apply the old device settings.

When did you re-add the meter? It looks like is still getting info from the panel equipment list showing the old node id, which is why it is not getting new data.

Can you try removing the meter from the network, wait five minutes, then re-add to network?
Make sure the panel is close by. Then run a rediscovery.

Let us know when you do and we will run an equipment update and see if it is listed as a new device.

Thanks Jason. I removed and waited and re-added, and we’re back in business. If you guys can transfer the old data that’s great (old meter “Power Meter”, new meter “Power Meter (New)”) but if not it’s only a couple weeks of data so not a huge deal. Thanks!

We have initiated the historical data transfer.

Thanks much. I am seeing the history now, however, I’m no longer seeing the current readings.


When did you re-install the meter when it was capturing new data? It does look like the transfer data function is overwriting the new device data. I do not see any from the last couple days.

Update today: At 7pm last night I got a notification that the meter went offline. At 3am I got a notification that it came back online. At around 7am I did a Z-Wave network rediscovery. I have readings in my history from ~3am until ~7am. Since I did the re-discovery I’m not getting power data. The sensor shows up as “ok”.

Weird? Any suggestions?

Could be a range or interference issue. While Zwave is a mesh network if your repeater device is battery operated like a door lock, you could have issues finding it when the lock goes into powersave mode and does not relay messages.

I just requested an updated status from the meter and it looks like it is in malfunction again.

It is a good idea to look at where this device is in relation to the rest of your Zwave devices. Is this power meter in a basement? A little extra assistance by repeating nodes is often necessary when transmitting through construction, even if the distance isn’t pushing the range limit of communication.

Can you try just power cycling the meter and waiting for five minutes or so. Then perform a “Check Network”

Ok, I powered off the meter, waited, powered back on, waited, then did check network. Question - what’s the different between check network and rediscover network?

Also, I’m seeing uninterrupted energy readings for the past 24 hours, even though the meter went on and offline. Does it cache locally until it regains communication?

Check network does not re-map communication routes, only checks to make sure all devices are reachable in their expected locations.

Does it cache locally until it regains communication

That seems likely if you suddenly have retroactive access to readings. I think I recall this being true, but I’ll have to check

Check network does not re-map communication routes, only checks to make sure all devices are reachable in their expected locations.

Thanks. So am I correct in my thinking that if I add a Z-Wave device right next to the panel, I should then do a “rediscover” once it’s actually in place to get correct signal strength?

Would there be a reason why it’s better to add it in the location where it will be in service? I ask because this is what I did the first time when the meter was working ok, but the second time I did the “rediscover”.

Most devices you will want to default to adding while close to the panel then performing a rediscovery. Pretty much anything that will act as a repeater (most AC devices) and locks.

The RTS is one known standout which only uses NWI (network wide inclusion) which requires it to be in its final location when learned in, and it does not participate in rediscovery.