Confirming Power G Smoke programing

I purchased the PowerG Smoke and Heat detector from you.

This appears to be the same as the 2gig SMkT 3 and even 2 gig is on the SMKT 8 version now

Seems like the technology in this Power G unit is a bit dated? It’s a lot more expensive than the SMKt3 and would think for the price differential there would be a lot of difference aside from range and encryption

Also, when I program it into my system, it doesn’t ask me to program smoke into Loop 1 and heat into Loop 2. It just adds the detector all at once.

I wanted to confirm that even though you just program it once that it is a heat and smoke detector (both) and functioning that way

It is not uncommon for more than one model of device to share components or housing. The same factory and tooling may manufacture both models.

The internals are not identical though. The PowerG model is not a Honeywell 345 sensor. PowerG radios do not use loops. Both functions report to one zone.

Just so everyone knows

Surety got my Power G smoke detector to me very quickly. I think in a couple of days and they have the best pricing on Power G equipment